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Happy Traveler

JoyDance Getaway

Are you ready for some fun?  Let’s go on an ADVENTURE!

Join us for a virtual 

JoyDance Getaway!

March 1-31, 2021


Each week we will be inspired by an exciting new destination and surround ourselves with the sights, sounds and feelings of this fantastic location.  This 5-week, virtual adventure is just the thing you need to…

  • Promote Your Spiritual Growth

  • Strengthen Your Body

  • Build Community

It is the ultimate experience of 


What does the JoyDance Getaway include?

  • 5 Monday night JoyDances (via Zoom)

  • 5 Wednesday morning Play & Pray Sessions (Zoom recording will be made available)

  • Weekly resources emailed directly to your inbox for you to use at your own pace!  Including:

    • Recorded Meditations designed to help you feel relaxed, grounded and uplifted.

    • Spotify Playlists full of inspiring, exciting music that will get you moving.

    • Scripture Readings and Journal Prompts to help you dive deeper into God’s word.

    • Recommended Readings and Video Resources to keep your creativity flowing and growing. 

    • Fun Creative Content such as craft projects, movie suggestions, activities, games, recipes, etc.

  • PLUS - Exciting Virtual Parties!!  That’s right!!  Bring your favorite sips and snacks and we will celebrate our community together!

  • And LOTS of other surprises along the way!!!



This is an all-inclusive getaway that you do not want to miss!  Go ahead, tap into your creative, playful side and give yourself the opportunity to have SO MUCH FUN all while…

  • Growing Spiritually

  • Strengthening Physically

  • Building Community


We all need an adventure right now, so join us for the JoyDance Getaway!!!


Cost:    $120 for the full 5-week, virtual adventure

            (Can be paid in two equal installments of $60.  Please pay in full by March 5th.)

            Refer a Friend: If you and a friend both sign up, you both will get some cool JoyDance swag!


Limited partial scholarships are available.  Please contact Kristy at if you are in need of financial assistance or have questions about the JoyDance Getaway.

I'm ready to join the JoyDance Getaway!! 



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